Nadeen School Netball – Year 5, 6 and 7
Nadeen School Year 5,6 and 7 Netball
Tuesday 22nd November saw our Year 5, 6, and 7 Netball teams take their first trip to participate in some friendly matches. For many of these girls, it was their first time playing in a match environment, not in our training sessions. On the bus journey, there was a lot of excitement and a brilliant buzz for this opportunity.
We had two teams of girls, the ‘Blues’ and the ‘Yellows’. The girls warmed up as a full squad before splitting into their two teams, not before wishing each other luck. Each team was able to play 3 games. Nadeen Blues won two of their games!
All of the girls who played showed fantastic determination and teamwork. It was fantastic to hear them talking to each other on the court and calling for the ball as well as supporting each other to ensure they worked as a team. They showed the true attributes of a Nadeen student as they celebrated and congratulated the other teams on their wins.
This was a fantastic opportunity and gets us reading for the PSL Netball Tournament in early 2023.