How to Create a Parent-Child Relationship After School

How to Create a Parent-Child Relationship After School By Bassima Alnajjar

Effective communication builds understanding and trust. When teachers and parents or carers understand and trust each other, you’ll all be better able to work together to support your children’s wellbeing and development. Effective communication is key to establishing and maintaining positive relationships between teachers, parents and carers.

How can you nurture a great relationship with your children so they feel comfortable enough to express their feelings and emotions? 

Always remember that, they have spent a long hard day working hard and learning. The last thing they probably want to do is go over their day with you. They need a break. They need to know that their house is a safe place in which they can just be themselves. 

So asking the following questions will probably not help :

    • How was school today?
    • What do you have for homework?
    • When are you going to do your homework?
    • What did you get on the test?
    • What did you learn today?

They will give you the safest and shortest answer, in order to end the conversation as they are probably exhausted. 

If you really want insight into your child’s mind & life at school, try asking a S.O.C.K question. What’s that?

    • Specific
    • Open – ended
    • Creative
    • Kidfriendly


If you want to know about your child’s feelings, you can ask the following…

    • What is something that made you smile today?
    • If you would invent a new feeling, what would it be called? How would you describe it? 
    • If your mood were a type of weather, what would it be? Would it be sunny, cloudy, stormy, or something else?

If you want to know about your child’s learning, you can ask the following…

    • Can you teach me how to …?
    • What is one thing you learned today?
    • Can you tell me about a story you heard/read today?
    • What was your favorite thing you did at school today?
    • What is something that made you proud at school?

If you want to know about your child’s relationships, you can ask the following…

    • If you could choose your seat partner, who would it be? Why?
    • Who is someone at school that makes you feel safe?
    • Who is someone you played with today?
    • What games did you play during recess today?

If you want to know about your child’s interests, you can ask the following…

    • If you could be the teacher for a day, what would you teach about?
    • If you became president, what is the first thing you would do?
    • Who is someone you’d love to meet in real life?
    • If you could teleport anywhere, where would you go right now?

Why do these work?

“How was your day” is vague and overwhelming. S.O.C.K. questions are engaging and gets children talking.  Just smile, hug, open a comedic dialogue and stay positive so you can keep them engaged in the conversation. 

At Nadeen School, we are always eager to exchange knowledge and experience with parents as we believe this is extremely beneficial for the overall wellbeing and development of our students.

For more information, please find the links below: