Update from the Principal – 13th June

Update from the Principal

Dear Parents,

Wow – what a week! The Matilda performance was sensational.

The students started the week with a full dress rehearsal in front of the entire school and this was incredible. All aspects of the performance were of the highest quality and more than that they sang, danced, and acted with a smile on their faces and with so much confidence. Already from the dress rehearsal, we knew it was ready at the highest level and the hard work that everyone had put into this production had paid off in abundance.

I am often stunned to see the self belief, talent and courage on display by our young students in such a big event, it is a joy to see and a real pleasure to bring this to the community as our first musical in our new campus. This is one that our students, staff and parents will long remember. The performers have created positive memories for life.



A huge thank you to Mr Tom, you have been wonderful. Without his calm, positive and reassuring approach this would not have been possible. The way in which the students have worked so well with the teachers has been fantastic to see. Thank you to the staff, the music committee and every teacher that has helped out in the numerous jobs from backstage, sound, costumes, backgrounds and everything in between. Thank you to all parents for supporting the school, helping the students across so many facets of preparing for a school production. The amount of extra hours that everyone has put into this across the community has definitely been worth it after seeing the enjoyment this performance has brought to everyone. At the end of the event, I read through around 10-15 groups of people to thank, this could have easily been 20 more! – the whole event included people far and wide across the school. Students, Staff and parents have put together an absolute epic show. Bravo!



A special congratulations to all students. The energy, excitement and stage presence were outstanding, what an amazing way to finish the term and year.

During the live performances in front of an audience, they did an exceptional job and delivered such an amazing treat for us all to enjoy.  

The parents, students and staff all left school last night with a smile on their faces, laughing/crying and full of pride after such an amazing closing night. This is exactly what schools should look, sound and feel like. It is an overwhelming positive emotion when our students give their heart and soul into something they love. The students will arrive today, probably tired, maybe sad it has come to an end but definitely very happy with such an incredible performance! They will remember this forever, the huge cheer at the end of the show and it is a wonderful memory to have.  I am sure that our students have inspired others to get involved in the future and after a quick rest, I’m certain they will already be thinking about next year!

We aim to ensure that the final 2 weeks of term are calm, organised and as smooth as possible throughout until we finish on Thursday 27th June (a 12-noon finish for everyone). For those of you planning to travel after the Eid holiday, please remember the first key dates for the next school year: 

Sunday 25th August: Orientation Day
Monday 26th August: First Day of School

A full calendar for all term dates for next year can be found here.

Summer Camps taking place at Nadeen School are now open for registration! Please contact each Summer Camp provider directly for further information and enquiries. Click here to view all the available camps. 

From Sunday 23rd June, we have our exit points, then Upper Primary Movie night on Monday, KS3 Movie night and Prize day on Wednesday.

Have a great weekend!

Dr Paul Walton





The photo below is from the whole school transition morning.


Latest Articles

Celebrating International Day of Play

Nadeen’s Got Talent!

Parents NetFest 2024


Nadeen School – All Events for 2023 – 2024: For a printable PDF click here

Whole School Dates (bold)
Awareness Days (Italics)
● Parent Presentations/Open Days (highlighted blue)
● Nadeen Community Association Events (highlighted green)
● Weekend Events (highlighted yellow)
Half-Terms/End of Term

Click here to see Google calendar for 2023/24

Click here to see 2024-2025 A4 Landscape calendar with all days and holidays



Urgent Communication  

All urgent updates continue to be sent via email or SMS for emergencies (School Closure).

Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your ‘junk’ folder and if you are unsure, please contact info@nadeenschool.com, see reception or phone on +97317728886 to personally check your contact email and phone number on record.

If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.

Health and Safety

All urgent Health and Safety announcements will be sent directly to parents via email.

We will continue to work together to follow all health and precautionary measures to prevent the spread of diseases as recommended by the Ministry of Health specialists. Together with your constant cooperation and taking responsibility by keeping your children at home when feeling ill, will also have a significant impact in limiting the spread of diseases.  Thank you to all members of the community in advance for this.


Please keep your child at home if he/she is ill, has flu or cold symptoms

Previous Updates

Please find all of the previous updates below.

All updates are sent out at the end of the week and published in the ‘Latest News’ section of the website.

6th June – Update from the Principal

30th May – Update from the Principal

23rd May – Update from the Principal

16th May – Update from the Principal

9th May – Update from the Principal

2nd May – Update from the Principal

25th April  – Update from the Principal

18th April  – Update from the Principal

28th March  – Update from the Principal

21st March  – Update from the Principal

14th March  – Update from the Principal

7th March  – Update from the Principal

29th February  – Update from the Principal

15th February  – Update from the Principal

1st February  – Update from the Principal

8th February  – Update from the Principal

1st February  – Update from the Principal

25th January – Update from the Principal

18th January – Update from the Principal

11th January – Update from the Principal

14th December – Update from the Principal

7th December – Update from the Principal

30th November – Update from the Principal

23rd November – Update from the Principal

16th November – Update from the Principal

9th November – Update from the Principal

2nd November – Update from the Principal

19th October – Update from the Principal

12th October – Update from the Principal

5th October – Update from the Principal

28th September – Update from the Principal

21st September – Update from the Principal

14th September – Update from the Principal

7th September – Update from the Principal

31st August – Update from the Principal

24th August – Update from the Principal

17th August – Update from the Principal

10th August – Update from the Principal

Virtual Learning

Last year it was announced that it is no longer mandatory for schools to provide Virtual Learning for students, shared by the Ministry of Education in August 2022.

The Ministry of Education has announced that the syllabus system for the coming academic year 2022/23 in all kindergartens, schools, universities, government and private educational institutions at all stages will be mandatory attendance for all students.  The ministry clarified that there would be no choice for parents to attend their children to receive in-person or remotely learning, assuring its keenness to provide for all the requirements for a successful back to school.

At Nadeen School, following the announcement from the Ministry above, our provision for learning will be on site.